Student Team Member Resources

Current Student Team Members 

We are excited to have you as SLE Student Team Members. We are dedicated to enhancing your experience as a MSU student by developing skills that compliment your educational studies and prepare you for life after graduation. Below you will find information that will assist you throughout your career with SLE. Be sure to check back often.

Student Team Member Paperwork and Training

Congratulations on your position with SLE! We want to make sure you have everything you need to be successful in your position. The following tasks are very important to complete in order to start work when scheduled.

  • On or before your first day of work, complete Section 1 of the federal Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. 
  • Be sure to bring with you to campus required documents that verify your right to work in the United States. You may find a list of acceptable documents here.
  • Before your first day of work, review and sign the Criminal Background Check consent form found here. Your employment is contingent upon successful completion of a criminal background check. It is very important, due to the nature of our work, that we insure the safety of our residents and guests.
  • Beginning the day after your start date, you will be able to access the Enterprise Business System (EBS) using your MSU netid and password. In this system, under the ESS tab at the top, you will be able to complete important tax forms and sign up to have your paycheck directly deposited into your bank account.
  • Shortly after your start date, you will receive an e-mail with a temporary password to ElevateU for SLE compliance training. It is very important that you access  ElevateU and complete mandatory compliance training and Celebrate State orientation immediately. You will be unable to start work until your compliance training is complete.
  • Talk with your supervisor about any other department requirements related to paperwork or training that must be completed as a new student team member.
Student Team Member Handbook 
Scholarship Opportunity

Students working in the Division of Student Life and Engagement are eligible to apply for the Robert C. Underwood Scholarship Award. Applicants must be student employees for at least two consecutive semesters within any of the units of Student Life and Engagement and have a minimum 3.2 overall GPA at MSU. Applications can be accessed here (link) during the month of February every year.

Student Employee of the Year 

We like to recognize exemplary student employee performance.  Visit the MSU Human Resources website for more information.